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South Dakota Faith in Public Life
Statement in Support of
SD Faith Leaders Freedom Coalition 

South Dakota Faith in Public Life (SDFIPL) applauds and supports the Faith Leaders Freedom Coalition as they step forward to support Freedom Amendment (G).  SDFIPL reflects a diversity of faith traditions. Along with many Christian clergy in South Dakota, we believe that South Dakotans have a right to make their own decisions regarding their reproductive health care, including the right to safe and legal abortion.  We stand in firm opposition to governance rooted in one particular faith perspective.  

We affirm our nation’s founding principle of religious liberty, which is integrally bound to reproductive freedom. Religious liberty includes the right to follow one’s own faith or moral code in making critical, personal reproductive health decisions, without political interference. Faith traditions approach matters of reproductive health care differently. Our federal and state laws should respect everyone’s ability to make private decisions according to their own conscience and/or religious perspective.

SDFIPL seeks to give voice to diverse religious perspectives and we are committed to compassion, justice and the common good.  For the sake of religious freedom and respect for religious diversity, we stand in solidarity with the Faith Leaders Coalition and ask the citizens of South Dakota to vote yes on Freedom Amendment (G).

South Dakota Faith in Public Life Board of Directors


South Dakota Faith In Public Life

A diverse group of religious leaders committed to respectful dialogue on social and political issues, providing a model for citizens to engage in civil conversations, and increasing capability for finding solutions that serve the common good.


What We Believe

All our faith traditions teach that every life has inherent worth and should be treated with dignity; that we are meant to care for all our neighbors without exception; and that we do so by practicing compassion and working for justice.

What We Do

We educate ourselves and the public about how our shared religious values can impact public policy to create more just, peaceful, equitable and sustainable communities.

Our Initiatives & Resources

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